Available PK Models in WAPPS-Hemo

Data Summaries for WAPPS-Hemo PopPK model and development.

FactorModelAssayNumber of Patient in the derivation
(% of WAPPS-Hemo)
No. Samples Median [Min Max]
VIIIAdvateCH91 (100%)
VIIIAdynovateOS101 (100%)3 [1-6]
VIIICH53 (100%)4 [1-5]
VIIIAfstylaOS1309 [4-12]
VIIIAlphanate/FanhdiOS92 (100%)4 [1-7]
VIIIElocta/EloctateOS1644 [3-7]
VIIICH1644 [3-7]
VIIIJiviOS1451 [1-11]
VIIICH1451 [1-11]
VIIIKovaltryOS293 (56%)1 [1-10]
VIIICH1831 [1-10]
VIIINuwiqOS114 (100%)9 [6-11]
VIIICH113 (100%)9 [6-11]
VIIIOctanateOS44 (100%)9 [3-10]
VIIIRefacto AF/XynthaOS171 (81%)3 [1-10]
IXAlprolixOS304 (60%)6 [1-13]
IXGeneric for FIX:OS124 (60%)9 [1-17]
Plasma Derived2
IXGeneric for FIX:OS99 (39%)8 [1-13]
IXIdelvionOS1069 [3-12]
IXRebyninOS891 [1-14]
FactorModelAssayNumber of patients in the derivation cohortNo. Samples
VIIIGeneric for FVIII1OSB Domain Deleted
2019 [5-11]
Plasma Derived
499 [3-11]
Full Length Recombinant
1749 [3-11]