Recent WAPPS Publications

Publications by the core WAPPS-Hemo team 

Chelle P, Yeung CHT, Bonanad S, et al. Routine clinical care data for population pharmacokinetic modeling: the case for Fanhdi/Alphanate in hemophilia A patients. J Pharmacokinet Pharmacodyn. 2019 Oct;46(5):427-438. Epub 2019 May 21. Erratum in: J Pharmacokinet Pharmacodyn. 2019 Jul 13.

Chelle P, Yeung CHT, Croteau SE, et al. Development and Validation of a Population-Pharmacokinetic Model for Rurioctacog Alfa Pegol (Adynovate(®)): A Report on Behalf of the WAPPS-Hemo Investigators Ad Hoc Subgroup. Clin Pharmacokinet. 2019 Aug 22. [Epub ahead of print].

Iorio A, Blanchette V, Blatny J, Collins P, Fischer K, Neufeld E. Estimating and interpreting the pharmacokinetic profiles of individual patients with hemophilia A or B using a population pharmacokinetic approach: communication from the SSC of the ISTH. J Thromb Haemost JTH. 2017 Dec;15(12):2461–5. 

Iorio A, Edginton AN, Blanchette V, Blatny J, Boban A, Cnossen M, et al. Performing and interpreting individual pharmacokinetic profiles in patients with Hemophilia A or B: Rationale and general considerations. Res Pract Thromb Haemost. 2018 May 20;2(3):535–48. 

Iorio A, Edginton AN. Exploring some intersections between pharmacokinetics, factor VIII measurement and human morphometrics – impact of recent advances in haemophilia study design on our understanding of optimal haemophilia treatment. Haemoph Off J World Fed Hemoph. 2017 Jul;23(4):488–90. 

Iorio A, Keepanasseril A, Foster G, et al. Development of a Web-Accessible Population Pharmacokinetic Service-Hemophilia (WAPPS-Hemo): Study Protocol. JMIR Res Protoc. 2016;5(4):e239. 

Iorio A, McEneny-King A, Keepanasseril A, Foster G, Edginton A. What is the role for population pharmacokinetics in hemophilia? Int J Pharmacokinet. 2017 Mar 30;2(2):125–36.

McEneny-King A, Chelle P, Foster G, Keepanasseril A, Iorio A, Edginton AN. Development and evaluation of a generic population pharmacokinetic model for standard half-life factor VIII for use in dose individualization. J Pharmacokinet Pharmacodyn;7.

McEneny-King A, Chelle P, Henrard S, Hermans C, Iorio A, Edginton AN. Modeling of Body Weight Metrics for Effective and Cost-Efficient Conventional Factor VIII Dosing in Hemophilia A Prophylaxis. Pharmaceutics. 2017 Oct 17;9(4). 

McEneny-King A, Chelle P, Iorio A, Edginton AN. The effect of unmeasurable endogenous plasma factor activity levels on factor VIII dosing in patients with severe hemophilia A. Thromb Res. 2018 Aug 9;170:53–9. 

McEneny-King A, Foster G, Iorio A, Edginton AN. Data Analysis Protocol for the Development and Evaluation of Population Pharmacokinetic Models for Incorporation Into the Web-Accessible Population Pharmacokinetic Service – Hemophilia (WAPPS-Hemo). JMIR Res Protoc. 2016 Dec 7;5(4):e232. 

McEneny-King A, Yeung CH, Edginton AN, Iorio A, Croteau SE. Clinical application of Web Accessible Population Pharmacokinetic Service-Hemophilia (WAPPS-Hemo): Patterns of blood sampling and patient characteristics among clinician users. Haemophilia. 2019 Nov 19. [Epub ahead of print]. 

Yu JK, Iorio A, Chelle P, Edginton AN. A comparison of methods for prediction of pharmacokinetics across factor concentrate switching in hemophilia patients. Thromb Res. 2019 Dec;184:31-37. Epub 2019 Oct 29. 

Yu JK, Iorio A, Edginton AN. Using pharmacokinetics for tailoring prophylaxis in people with hemophilia switching between clotting factor products: A scoping review. Res Pract Thromb Haemost 2019;(March):1–14.

Publications by WAPPS-Hemo Research Network 

Carcao MD, Chelle P, Clarke E, et al. Comparative pharmacokinetics of two extended half‐life FVIII concentrates (Eloctate and Adynovate) in adolescents with hemophilia A: Is there a difference? J Thromb Haemost 2019;jth.14469.

Croteau SE, Callaghan MU, Davis J, et al. Focusing in on use of pharmacokinetic profiles in routine hemophilia care. Res Pract Thromb Haemost. 2018 May 27;2(3):607–14.

Megías‐Vericat, J. E., Bonanad, S. , Haya, S. , et al. Cross‐sectional comparative study of pharmacokinetics and efficacy between sucrose‐formulated recombinant factor VIII (Kogenate®) and BAY 81‐8973 (Kovaltry®) in patients with severe or moderate haemophilia A in prophylaxis. Haemophilia 2019;25(3): e215-e218. 

Nagao A, Yeung CHT, Germini F, Suzuki T. Clinical outcomes in hemophilia A patients undergoing tailoring of prophylaxis based on population-based pharmacokinetic dosing. Thromb Res 2019;173(November 2018):79–84.

Ragni MV, Croteau SE, Morfini M, Cnossen MH, Iorio A. Pharmacokinetics and the transition to extended half-life factor concentrates: communication from the SSC of the ISTH. J Thromb Haemost JTH. 2018 Jul;16(7):1437–41. 

Stemberger M, Kallenbach F, Schmit E, et al. Impact of Adopting Population Pharmacokinetics for Tailoring Prophylaxis in Haemophilia A Patients: A Historically Controlled Observational Study. Thromb Haemost 2019;119(03):368–376.

Zhou J, VonDrygalski A, Iorio A. Joint bleeding tendencies in adult patients with Hemophilia: It’s not all pharmacokinetics. Journal: Clin Appl Thromb [Epub ahead of print].

Other related publications

Carcao M, Iorio A. Individualizing Factor Replacement Therapy in Severe Hemophilia. Semin Thromb Hemost 2015;41(08):864–871.

Collins P, Chalmers E, Chowdary P, et al. The use of enhanced half-life coagulation factor concentrates in routine clinical practice: guidance from UKHCDO. Haemophilia 2016;22(4):487–498.

Dargaud Y, Delavenne X, Hart DP, Meunier S, Mismetti P. Individualized PK-based prophylaxis in severe haemophilia. Haemophilia 2018;24(November 2017):3–17.

Iorio A, Fischer K, Blanchette V, Rangarajan S, Young G, Morfini M, et al. Tailoring treatment of haemophilia B: accounting for the distribution and clearance of standard and extended half-life FIX concentrates. Thromb Haemost. 2017 Jun 2;117(6):1023–30.  

Iorio A, Iserman E, Blanchette V, et al. Target plasma factor levels for personalized treatment in haemophilia: a Delphi consensus statement. Haemoph Off J World Fed Hemoph. 2017;23(3):e170–9.

Iorio A. Using pharmacokinetics to individualize hemophilia therapy. Hematology 2017;2017(1):595–604.

McEneny-King A, Iorio A, Foster G, Edginton AN. The use of pharmacokinetics in dose individualization of factor VIII in the treatment of hemophilia A. Expert Opin Drug Metab Toxicol 2016;12(11):1313–1321.

Shah A, Solms A, Wiegmann S, et al. Direct comparison of two extended-half-life recombinant FVIII products: a randomized, crossover pharmacokinetic study in patients with severe hemophilia A. Ann Hematol [Epub ahead of print].

Solms A, Iorio A, Ahsman MJ, Vis P, Shah A, Berntorp E, Garmann D. Favorable Pharmacokinetic Characteristics of Extended-Half-Life Recombinant Factor VIII BAY 94-9027 Enable Robust Individual Profiling Using a Population Pharmacokinetic Approach. Clin Pharmacokinet. 2019 Nov 21. [Epub ahead of print].