New function released today – Modelling of variable dose regimen.

We are pleased to announce some added features to WAPPS-Hemo with the latest update.

Many of you have told us that you need to model PK profiles for some of your patients on variable dose regimens (VDR).  We define a variable dose regimen as a treatment plan with irregular intervals between infusions that requires dosing that varies with the interval length.  Example-1, consider a patient that may infuse 3,000 U on Mondays and 4,000 U on Thursdays.  They require VDR.  Example-2 is the patient that doses 2,000 U on Monday, 2,000 U  on Wednesday and then 3,000 on Friday.  They also require VDR.  Now you can enter this variable information into WAPPS-Hemo and receive an updated PK.

You may discover that the actual value of such regimens is questionable, because unless the doses are materially different, they are likely to produce similar troughs. We expect that there is still an important educational value, for both physicians and patients, who want to know an accurate reporting of their factor level. Of course, VDR can now be used as a base for the myWAPPS mobile app activation

Follow these simple step-by-step instructions to use your VDR function.

Step 1. Open the Clinical Calculator. You will notice that everything looks the same on this page. 

Step 2. As soon as you select Irregular from the drop-down menu in the Infusion Interval field.  The option for variable dosing will appear just below the drop-down.

Step 3. When you action the variable dosing switch to YES, the fields for dose, trough, and interval are disabled.  You then must select the weekdays for the planned dosing.

Step 4. As soon as you select one or more weekdays, the program expands and allows you to input your specific doses on those days.

Step 5. You now enter the dose quantities.  We can reference Example-2, where dosing is 2,000 U on Monday and Wednesday, and 3,000 U on Friday.

Step 6. Once the figures are entered, click calculate and the patients weekly factor level profile will be displayed.  WAPPS-Hemo calculates for you the peaks and troughs after each infusion, and average time spent above selected concentration.

Step 7: Give it a try. All feedback is welcome, so please forward your comments and your suggestions for what you would like to see in upcoming releases.  Please use the contact us function on the website.

The WAPPS-Hemo core team.